Fairground Homes can help you select the perfect BonnaVilla floorplans & options to build your dream home.
Choose from a wide range of BonnaVilla modular floor plan designs, layouts, and square footages. Then we can help you customize your modular floor plans to meet your design requirements. Choose from a large variety of optional details like cape cod roofs, exterior siding options, customizable bathroom and kitchen layouts, and many different interior finish and feature options to accentuate your home.
If you're looking for the affordability, efficiency, and durability in a manufactured home, without sacrificing quality, then you want a BonnaVilla home customized by Fairground Homes.
Bonnavilla Bathroom
Master Bathroom pictured
Bonnavilla Bathroom
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Bedroom
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Dining Room
BonnaVilla optional features shown
Bonnavilla Dining Room
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Dormers
Exterior Dormers
Bonnavilla Kitchen
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Bedroom
Cypress XL Pictured
Bonnavilla Exterior
Custom options shown
Bonnavilla Exterior
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Dormers
Interior Dormers
Bonnavilla Kitchen
Juniper pictured
Bonnavilla Kitchen
Cypress XL shown
Bonnavilla Kitchen
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Porch
Cypress XL pictured
Bonnavilla Stove Insert Option
Hemlock pictured
Bonnavilla Stove Insert Option
Hemlock pictured
Bonnavilla Kitchen
Hillsdale pictured